Eight years ago, I did not vote for President Obama. I did not agree with his politics, think he was the best candidate nor drink his Kool-Aid. I also did not suspect that he was the Anti-Christ.
Don't laugh! Lots of people around me really thought someone was going to prove he wasn't born here, or was a Muslim, or was the actual real, panic-inducing, biblical Anti-Christ. I read a LOT of articles, blog posts, Facebook rants and came to the conclusion that he was none of the above.
Not only was President Obama not the incarnate beginning of the End, I was pretty sure he wouldn't be the end of Western Capitalism as we know it. Good thing, I had work to do.
And that's what I've done every day for the last 7.5 years. I've gotten up 5 days a week, 50 weeks out of each year, and gone to work. I have worked hard to provide good and faithful service for my God, my family and my company.
On all the other days, I've worked hard at raising and loving a family. I have parented my son to question everything but respect authority, especially our President. It is a tenet of our faith. We give unto Caesar what Caesar is due.
We are BLESSED to go to work and go to school every day in the greatest country in the world (IMHO). With that comes the responsibility of both doing it, and teaching our son to do it - joyfully contributing to that greatness in the ways we are called to contribute. Like taxes.
So taxes were my only real concern when it came to President Obama's reign. I did buy into a little of the fear mongering that us hardworking middle class Americans would be decimated by the weight the administration would put on us of supporting everyone else. I say I bought into it a little because I still went to work everyday. It never occurred to me that I'd end up "upside down" in this working thing and should quit my job to save on taxes. Turns out my base instincts were right and continuing to work to the best of my ability for the last 7.5 years has been a profitable proposition.
Don't get me wrong, I'd like to pay less taxes. And sometimes, I even feel it's unfair how much I do pay in taxes. But mostly, I am just aware of how blessed I am to complain about taxes and not get shot or locked up for doing so.
So, back to the original point of this story - my political opinion in this crazy election season.
I don't love any of the candidates.
I would have voted for Dr. Ben Carson in all honesty. But it looks like that ship has sailed.
The point is, whether your candidate is still in the race or not, whether your candidate is in the lead or not, whether your candidate is a decent person or not, my political opinion is, "So What?"
I get it. Some of us need to throw tantrums over candidates. We NEED to make everyone agree with us. We NEED to tear down others' candidate to prove ours isn't so bad. We NEED people to understand that choosing the wrong candidate will RUIN EVERYTHING! I get it. But I humbly disagree.
Unless the other candidate is the real-life Anti-Christ, in which case, scream on!
Otherwise, someone will be elected this Fall. I will vote for someone I believe is best qualified to do the job, based on the best intel I can gather from LOTS of sources. I will vote for this person because it is my duty to do so, for no other reason than other people died to make sure I could.
You should too.
But when it's over, and we wake up to a new President-Elect, my choice or not, I will get out of bed and go to work. Unless it's a Saturday.
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